Monday, March 30th, 2009

Growing up has its up’s and downs’, highs points and low points too. It’s normal, something we can’t change, even if we wanted it to. We can grow from past experiences which have challenged us in some way or another, even when enduring it is such a pain; a hassle. But one thing is certain – eventually you get through it, and we praise God for it. Two healing testimonies that both happened recently really made me think, how lucky I am that I know this God, how lucky I am saved by Him, and how lucky that he is the God who heals. We shouldn’t take God’s gifts and blessings for granted, rather , thank Him for His constant care and concern over each and every one of our lives.

It was the end of the Pantai Kerachut hike. Everybody was leaving one by one, the crowd slowly thinning out, until there was only a handful of us left. Like sheep, we followed Wilson to the van; he was to fetch the latter home and the rest back to church. Now, being a person who needed to return to PCC, i sat at the back. With the back door wide open, i tried to nestle myself at the far end of the van. As an attempt to find the holder on the top side of the car, i tried to feel for it using my left hand. At the moment where my hands were outside of the van, the trunk door slammed shut on three of my fingers. The pain was simply excruciating. A few seconds passed. A few more seconds passed. Every second that past was just another second of blinding pain for me. Until i couldn’t take it no more, I screamed for Wilson. Rachel screamed at the sight of fingers crushed both sides by metal. By the time Wilson got the hatch door open, the three fingers caught by the door were badly bruised. 

Well, that ended well.

The amazing thing was, they were merely bruised with a blue black on each joint of the finger, which is a LOT better than getting a bone fracture or otherwise. It practically fully healed within a day, and no doctors’ appointment needed! Sure, it took me time for me to realize that i luckily escaped from a more serious injury, all praise be to God! I don’t see how we can live without Him, our lives would be a whole lot difficult to live without His guidance, His love and care, and his sovereignty. Don’t estimate Him; He is the creator of the heavens and the Earth, our lives, and He is surely in control. I recommend that you keep a journal on how many things He has blessed you with. That way, you can be sure that we won’t underestimate him. Even in the most sudden and instant situation, He can make a way.

Another injury was obtained from a different place – this time from playing basketball. My team was entered into a 3 on 3 basketball competition within school. After playing viciously, we won our debut game, however it came at a price. My back was aching. My prediction? A mere muscle strain. Three weeks passed, but the same pain was still present, the concentration of the pain still the same three weeks ago, if not worse. I started becoming desperate. The basketball competition was far from over, and playing with this injury is simply asking for trouble. I constantly prayed almost everyday for it, but it more or less stayed the same. Even while playing captain ball, the pain was a constant burden. I even started to think of even going to a physicist.

Boy, this isn’t good.

But I forgot one of the most basic things – in God, there is healing. Pastor Kul Bal was an experienced pastor full of the Spirit, and was well known for his many testimonies on miraculous healing. He healed me after a simple prayer. I felt overjoyed, and my faith was renewed. I didn’t hesitate to give testimony to what He has done! It felt great, it always did, being fully recuperated after a long sickness, or even getting healed from an annoying sore throat – it always felt great when you are healed. But this was special. Getting healed by God is always a lot better – because you are again reminded how Great our God is! God never lets us down, and we should remember that.

We won each game in the competition, before finally bowing down to the Year 11 team, consisting of St. Xavier’s U18 B-ball captain. Praise be to God, forever and ever!

“Trust in God with all your heart, And lean not upon your own understanding: In all your ways acknowledge him, And he will direct your paths.” -Proverbs 3:5-6-



Monday blues.


And for some of you…


Such a drag.

I was feeling it too, but I stuffed all that nonsensical feeling at the back of my mind and told the Lord that I wanted to start the day good!

I went to my cousin’s place and he was in a bad mood.To cheer him up, I sang on of my favourite Jr. CIDS songs.

Touch your finger to your nose,

Bend from your waist way down and touch your toes,

And when you come up slowly start to sing,

And say to the Lord I love You,

I love You, I love You,

Say to the Lord I love You,

I love You, I love You,

Say to the Lord I love You.

Just as I was singing the I love you part, suddenly I was convicted and tears started forming. I fought them back and started to think. How often do we conciously tell Him that we love Him?And truly mean it.

Most of the time, in church, during praise and worship, we sing and worship and sing and worship but do we really sing it from our hearts and have a heart that is truly after Him?

We take so many things for granted and when things go right,we stop thinking about Him but when our problems come, we go to Him asking for help.

Wilson once said, ‘Do I always need God to send me trouble so that I can draw close to Him?’

So people, let us take some time and just tell God wholeheartedly how much He means to us.Or,in that case, search your heart and ask where is your love for Him?

I love that song…

And I say to You I LOVE you Lord.

Rachel Yeoh